My morning routine consists of sitting down enjoying my
Spinach Protein Pancakes with a hot cup of Lemon Water and catching up with news. Today's news got me so excited.....I heard something that got made me so happy and scream out loud "finally!"
Here is the Morning News Share......
VIA NEW YORK (WABC) -- Doctors
are now giving prescriptions for fruits and vegetables. It's a unique program that for the
first time is now available in our area.
"That's what this is all about where doctors are gonna be writing
prescriptions for fresh fruits and vegetables," said Dr. Thomas Farley, Health
The city launched a new fruit and vegetable prescription program-- called
It targets children who are overweight and their families. Especially in low
income neighborhoods.
Here's how it works, pediatricians give parents a prescription. It allows up
to a dollar a day per family member for fruits and veggies, $28 a week for a
family of four.
You also get vouchers, New York City health bucks. Paid for by tax dollars
they're similar to food stamps but can only be used for fresh produce.
Those health bucks can be used at any of the city's farmers markets.
"It allows people to get a shopping basket full of produce that they
otherwise would not be able to afford," said Margaret Hoffman, Regional Manager
of Greenmarket.
The prescriptions are part of a national initiative linking local farmers to
underserved communities. Officials are now testing it in two New York City
hospitals with 140 families.
For now, it's a 4 month pilot program at Harlem Hospital and Lincoln Medical
If it works- officials say they will try to expand it to other locations--
using donations, grants and possibly city funding.
What is your opinion on this?