Lets go back to 1974 in the United States. The year when women legally were first allowed to partake in credit practices. Yes, that means purchasing a home, obtaining a credit card, buying a car – anything that involved a loan or any sort prior to 1974 required a woman’s father or husband to co-sign (bologna)… ..We aren’t talking a hundred years ago, this is less than 40 years ago….. seems so foreign to me.
Women were seen as second class citizens and not legally allowed to live a life financially independent. Thank god I missed those years. I'm way too independent of a woman to have ever been tied down to such ridiculous restraints.
Onto my post…..I believe that most people all want to be successful (although each of us have our own definitions of personal success), I find though, sometimes we get in our own way…
The ability to become successful, no matter what your sex or age, is solely up to you. Being successful is determined with each decision, emotion, attitude and effort you put in day after day. On both bad days and good……
I want to share some tips that I have learned from successful people in my life and tips that have worked and are working for me…..
Stand on your own. For me, the key to success Is knowing you can take care of yourself. Whether in a relationship, dependent on your parents or family, genuine self-confidence comes from knowing you can stand on your own two feet. Take the reins and own your life.
Have a sense of humor. You must be able to laugh at yourself. Being your own worst critic will just accumulate black clouds all around you and you will start to doubt yourself. We are human and we will fall on our faces, wipe it up laugh it off and move on.
Keep the lid on your anger. The moment you let anger overpower you, your power is gone. Don’t be a loose cannon. Take a deep breath, walk away for a few minutes and gather your thoughts. Emotion should not drive your words. You will be heard louder with a calm and steady voice.
Let it roll of your shoulders. We are human and we do have lots of emotions – sometime people can get the better of us. Don’t take everything personally, if we let words fester we start to resent that person or start to believe the naysayers. It’s a tricky tight rope to walk but you will soon learn what to take to heart and what to let roll off your shoulders. I’m not saying be spineless, pick and choose your battles and whom and what is really worth it.

Look up to someone/Find a mentor. Not every woman growing up has been fortunate enough to have someone in their
family who provided the example of a strong, independent, successful woman. (I was lucky enough to have those) If you work with someone, meet someone or know of someone, don't be afraid to ask questions. Invite them to lunch and pick their brain. As I continue to discover the successful woman I want to be I continually read up on others, talk to professors and like minded women around me for advice. It has changed my work ethic and attitude in ways I could have never had imagined.
Last but not least-Work your tail off. Nothing worth having is ever easy. Success and hard work come hand in hand. For me that’s more hours in the office, more hours studying for class and more hours spent trying to balance work, relationships, play and a healthy lifestyle. Its not easy to balance all and be successful at all but I’m taking the right steps to becoming a more successful Marlena.
I hope you all become successful , whatever your definition of success is. Id love to hear some of your tips and words of wisdom….. Id love to know what you think and what you have learned…. After all, what is success if you can’t teach or inspire others?
{via The Simply Luxurious Life}