You deserve to be the most authentic and interesting person you can be. Not to push it on others or outshine another. Let your light glow from within and if you are lucky it becomes contagious to those you around you. That light, that love you radiate....will inspire others to become alive.
Be the best you for today and for your tomorrows. Don't worry about the past for those regrets and pains sit and fester on your back and make your heart heavy... You deserve to live a beautiful life. Learn to let go and live in the now. Find what makes you shine today and love the person you are for a better tomorrow.
Maybe this weekend take a few minutes to yourself and think about your today. How did you get to where you are today? Could you have imagined your life to be as blessed as it is? Now,think this..... What makes you shine? Get out there. Do it. & Glow.
Have a wonderful weekend!