Friday, February 14, 2014


Now I know the title above may lead you to think that this post about weight loss …. I'm sorry to report that this post is not about a diet. This lengthy post is about a lifestyle change. A Financial change. I tend to post a great deal on finances because I truly hope to inspire you to make your finances a priority. Maybe these posts will help you spend less,  maybe it will help you to be inspired to create an "eliminate my debt" plan or help to inspire you to establish retirement fund. Living financially responsible allows you to live a richer life, not just in monetary terms but to be able to live a life that is free of money stresses. Sure emergencies happen, but if you prepare for those unexpected life moments you will be one step ahead of the game.  With this post, I want to show you how to trim down your expenses without losing things you enjoy. I encourage you to read this post...

I've learned the hard way and today I am thankful for those experiences by reason of they taught me what not to do. I live in a city where organic almond butter can cost upwards to $22 a jar.  Even with all the absurdly costs associated with  living in NYC I have managed to  save more money than I thought I could due to the fact that I am financially responsible. That doesn't mean I don't splurge, my splurges have become calculated and if I truly want something I wait for a sale and do my research. YSL Tributes are no longer a purchase I make without thinking. If I want something, I budget. I budget to the last dollar and update my budget-er daily . Every morning before I start my day I go through my finances. It’s enjoyable for me and it keeps me accountable.

There was a period where I needed to take back the control from my reckless spending. Every non essential purchase I made went under the knife.  Starbucks was no longer a daily trip, buying trendy clothes halted completely, $40 Soul Cycle classes went form 3 times a week to zero times a week. Dinner take out 4 times a week  stopped not only for costs but for health reasons. People in my life questioned how and why I was doing it, was there no more enjoyment for me?

Here’s the thing, though. In the end, I didn't really give up anything that I enjoy. I didn't cut those things. Instead, I trimmed away the unnecessary.

So, what is the unnecessary?

Is it necessary to spend $6 on a coffee I can easily make at home? Trendy clothes... Not needed. If you have a great classic wardrobe you can look 10x’s better than another following a trend.  Soulcyle...ugh I have to admit on occasion I miss this one … but I learned I can recreate  my own soulcyle experience  at the gym I already belong to. Take out dinner? This was adding lb’s to my hips and I wasn't satisfied with the nutritional value or lack there of of my dinners. I learned how to cook and whip up meals for an entire week. Added bonus: I am able to save more money and lose weight. It’s really a win win situation.

So now, when I make a financial trim down I ask myself these questions…

Do I really miss this? Well, I've changed as a person and I don’t really enjoy certain things I once used to. Expensive coffee daily wasn't being enjoyed like it should be.

Can I enjoy this at a lower cost? Now it doesn't have to be an exact duplicate, just something similar. For instance, when I have some extra spending cash from my budget I normally bank it but if by chance there is a special going on for a spinning class I will make smart purchase and buy “a” class for half the amount.

If I miss something, do I lose anything by doing it less frequently? Will my life collapse if I reduce the number of times I ___? I found reducing the frequency made it more special when I actually do them now. Instead of ordering in dinner 4 times a week like I once used to, Ill order my favorite dish from my favorite Greek restaurant once every other week. I allow it to be my "me time". I prepare it by plating it on a dinner plate and savor it with a bottle of wine. I make it special, and something I wouldn't necessarily do every night. TIP: If you live in NYC or plan on going, you have to check out Ithaka and order their Salata apo Thalassina. A splurge worth every penny, this is the one take out I splurge on.

If you are a happy person and truly savor all of what life has to offer you, you can can do this. Frugality fails when you are miserable. (via the simple dollar)

The key is to trim away the things that actually turn out to be not all that important  to you, and its often hard to tell which is which until you cut it out for awhile. 

I challenge you to try to eliminate a few unnecessary's.  See how things turn out and put that money you would have spent into your savings. Watch it accumulate and maybe when you do get around to do the thing that was unnecessary you may enjoy it a bit more. 


Id love to know what you will be trimming down? 


To the lovers, the singles, the married, & the engaged. To the puppy lovers, the bromancers and the unrequited lovers. To the  self lovers, tree huggers and non believers of love lovers.... I wish each and everyone of you lots of love today...

Perfect Song for all the lovers.....

Happy Valentines Day!


Thursday, February 13, 2014


Whether you are single, taken or in a "its complicated" status of a relationship I want you to enjoy Valentines Day. As a woman, its a perfect day to revel in all of what makes you sexy . Dress up for your partner, friends, or yourself. I've always been a fan of the day and like to play around with makeup looks and take it up a notch. Why not make amp up your sex appeal!

Try these: Add major sex kitten volume to your hair, paint on your favorite ruby red shade of lipstick, wear your sexiest undergarments, pull out the lace, slip into a killer stiletto, spray your best perfume and flaunt your assets. Revel in being a sexy woman. Allow yourself to feel beautiful. Whatever you need to do to bring out your confidence and ooh la la.  Here are some images that will inspire my Valentine look.... 

I truly believe that sexiness comes from within, it's the confidence you have that attracts others... but why not play around with your exterior tomorrow and transform into a sexier physical version of yourself. Its a day of love... many feel its a worthless holiday, but personally a day devoted to "love" is a beautiful holiday. Let the love of the day bring out your inner sexy.

What makes you feel sexy? 



Good Morning on this blustery morning. Stay warm and stay safe. I recorded some of my office views and commute for you to see. 

On days like this I get so much more done. Looking forward to my next cup of coffee! 

What do you have planned for today?


Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I am busy. I'm sure you are busy....... between meetings, to do's, school work, study groups, family parties, weddings, bridesmaid duties and studying my life is one big ball of busy. My time is managed from morning till night, I mean there would be no other way to do it. I even calendar my grocery shopping and laundry on the same days and same times (or atleast I try to keep them on calendar). Heck, my free time is even scheduled!

For some, being busy doesn't always mean they are being productive. So, how can one ensure that there busy equates to productivity? 

We all lose productivity every day because "we only have five minutes before that meeting starts." And while five minutes here and there might not seem like much, they really add up over weeks and months. Think about it: If you regained just five minutes of productive time per workday, that would amount to 21 hours a year you'd get back. Hello long weekend—I think I'll just take Friday off!

Next time you have five minutes to spare, here are 26 things you can do, no matter what your priorities are:

If You're Overwhelmed by Work

1. Make sure your to do list is up to date, and do a quick gut check to make sure that you've been spending your time on what's most important.

2. Knock out a few emails. If you don't already, try using a "quick answer" tag that you add to any email that will take you 60 seconds or less but isn't urgent. When you have five minutes, clear out as many of these as possible.

3. Check your upcoming meetings for the week, and send any emails necessary to confirm them.

4. Unsubscribe from any newsletters that aren't helping you achieve your goals using Trust me, at one point I was receiving upwards to 20 emails a day from local florists...

5. Identify one thing that you can delegate, and to whom you can delegate it. Send this person an email, and get it off your plate.

6. Return a phone call.

If You're Seeking Balance

7. Drink a glass of water.

8. Squeeze in a quick guided meditation or some deep breathing.

9. Take a walk around the block.

10. Stretch.

11. Text or email three friends to say you miss them.

If You're Trying to Build a Network

12. Post an article that would be relevant to industry contacts on LinkedIn.

13. Stop by the desk of a co-worker you haven't talked to in a while for a quick catch-up.

14. Send a thank you note to someone whose work you appreciated in the last few weeks.

15. Look back at your calendar over the last few weeks, and make sure you've added any new business contacts on LinkedIn.

16. Digitize your pile of business cards from events using CardMunch.

If You Want to Declutter

17. Pick a stack of papers on your desk and throw out, recycle, or file anything you can.

18. Test all the pens in your bag or on your desk (or by your whiteboard!). If one has no ink, toss it out.

19. Delete apps you rarely use from your smartphone (or, better yet, delete the time wasters, too).

20. Clean out your work bag, junk drawer and gym bag.

21. Organize and clean up files on your computer's desktop. If you're on a Mac, this impacts your computer's speed, so it's definitely worth a few minutes!

22. Look through your Downloads folder and file or delete any files you can.

If You Want to Advance Your Career


23. Catch up on industry news (save articles to Pocket when you find them to make this easier).

24. Update a few bullets on your resume.

25. Set up time with your manager for a check-in to get feedback.

26. Learn more about your company; read the latest news releases, or make sure you're familiar with key stats, new products, and who does what. (via DailyMuse)

What tips work for you when you need to amp up your productivity? Id love to hear!



Meems 2 Minute Smoothie 

A few months back I posted on my pre-made “zip lock breakfast smoothies”  & today I want to share my new recipe. Click here for previous smoothie post.

Meems "2 Minute Smoothie"

Ingredients per bag:

1.       Handful of Kale
2.       Handful of Spinach
3.       Scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder
4.       One scoop of quick dry oats
5.       Tablespoon of flax seeds
6.       Handful of blueberries
7.       2 Strawberries (per bag)
*With the amount of veggies/fruits I buy, I usually get about 12 – 14 bags made.

HOW TO: I add all the ingredients to a freezer friendly ziplock bag and in the morning I take it out, dump the frozen ingredients into my blender, add some unsweetened almond milk and water. Voila! A frozen smoothie for breakfast under 2 minutes ( I kid you not)

TIP: If you have some avocado, I suggest adding a tablespoon to the blender for some added health and taste benefits. & Adding avocado to your morning meal puts to bay your mid day cravings for fatty food. For women that are pmsing and want to eat everything in sight, try eating a half an avocado in the morning during those terrible times and watch how your cravings slowly diminish. Its due to the “HEALTHY” fat the avocado provides to your body. Trust me on this one, it works! Cravings are gone!

Here are some advantages to pre-making and freezing your smoothie ingredients:
  1. Saves you money! Think about the $$$ you have spent on a fresh smoothies. Think about the money you save creating your own. Here in the city, they run about $6 – $9 each. Times 12 smoothies. You do the math. 
  2. Time Management. If you are a busy bee, this cuts down on breakfast time. It’s a quick 2 minute process for a super healthy breakfast.  Which allows you to spend time on other morning priorities and routines.
  3.  You don’t have to think. How many times have you found yourself stumbling to the kitchen in the morning looking for a breakfast and wind up hastily choosing something far too decadent to be considered breakfast?  Having these pre made shakes takes the thought out of your weekday meal.
  4. Start the day off right! Your body is provded the right fuel, you get in alot of nutrients, it helps aide in fat loss and your skin will glow. Who doesn't want that?!
  5. You know what is inside! NO added preservatives or sugar. Its a win win situation.
 I hope this inspires you to create a better breakfast option for yourself. You save money and time while giving your body a slew of healthy vitamins and minerals. Your waist line and energy level will thank you.

What do you like to add to your healthy smoothies?


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Last week I posted on a book I was reading, Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg and today I want to tell you more about it. First things first, if you are working woman or looking to join the workforce I suggest you get this book. If you are looking to get to the top of your field, get this book. If you are a mother or a soon to be mother, get this book. If you are a red blooded woman..... you know the rest – GET THE BOOK! Oh, and if you’re a male, I highly suggest you read this too. You can learn a lot more than you think.

Women are the world’s most underused resource.
--Hillary Rodham Clinton

I have to admit, after reading the last page I felt sad. I wanted more. I wanted more of that feeling I got every time I connected with her words. I loved this book so much I plan on reading through it again. It’s funny, one of the chapters inspired me so much that during my Business Marketing class I leaned in (took her advice) and felt like the strong woman I’ve sometimes hesitated to be. I’ve become inspired by her words, by her stories and by her experiences. She writes honestly and with humor, it’s a book I promise for those in life who have goals and aspirations will find it hard to put down. (Hate to admit but ....I was that woman walking down 5th Avenue with my face planted in this book – I don’t suggest you read and walk its a skill not many can successfully do)

The book is not about feminism. It’s not a self-help book. This book is not a memoir nor is it about career management. It is a book for women who want to increase their chances of making it to the top of their career or pursue a goal vigorously.

“Lean In” in a nutshell: We need more women in power. It's the only thing that will stop the constant questions about whether women can and should be professionally equal to men. We're all socialized from birth for women to be sweet and nurturing and men to be tough and aggressive, and for women to be valued for the care they give while men are valued for their external accomplishments. It's not fair to either men or women. We need to openly acknowledge and discuss the pervasiveness and effects of these gender roles so we can move past them.

Chapter Breakdown 

Introduction: Internalizing the Revolution. "A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes." This book talks about how to get there. 
Chapter 1: The Leadership Ambition Gap. We need more women in power. But women are taught that being "bossy" is bad and that they must choose between a successful career and family life.
Chapter 2: Sit at the Table. Take risks and act confident.
Chapter 3: Success and Likeability. Women are caught in a double bind: we need to be liked to be successful, but we're liked for being nice and nurturing, qualities that you don't look for in a CEO.
Chapter 4: It's a Jungle Gym, Not a Ladder. Do what you want, not what you think is the next step up.
Chapter 5: Are You My Mentor? Don't rely too much on a mentor, but if you're looking for one, provide value and respect their time.
Chapter 6: Seek and Speak Your Truth. Be your authentic self at work.
Chapter 7: Don't Leave Before You Leave. Don't pass up opportunities in anticipation of having a family. 
Chapter 8: Make Your Partner a Real Partner. Have a real 50-50 split with your partner, even if it means giving up some control. Men are just as good as being caregivers as women.
Chapter 9: The Myth of Doing It All. Do what you can do, and don't feel guilty about it.
Chapter 10: Let's Start Talking About It. We are ALL biased. Let's be open about it.
Chapter 11: Working Together Toward Equality. Call to action! Men AND women need to take steps toward change. 

(via MagicCookies)

Lean in is a book that has a powerful message to women, it includes the authors personal vulnerability and first-hand anecdotes, packed with statistics and footnoted studies that back her points. She writes about her divorce in her 20s and how she felt it signified a personal failing, about how, as a girl, she felt ashamed when people called her “bossy,” and how she was racked with self-doubt while a college student. via Forbes

Thank you Mrs. Sandberg for a truly inspirational book. I hope for you all this book encourages you to believe in yourself, give it your all, “lean in” and “don’t leave before you leave” — which is to say, don’t doubt your ability to combine work and family and thus edge yourself out of assignments before you even have start a family (should that be your plan). Lean in and make your life happen. 

I would like to hear if you have read this book or if you are going to pick this book up. I'd love to hold a group discussion here in NYC for any of you interested in reading the book kinda like a mini book club session. If you are interested please email me at
