As independent as I have always been, I will forever be my
daddy's little girl. My dad is a stand up man. My father for as far back as I can
remember was always a hard worker, and managed to raise 2 children as a single
parent. Worked 2 jobs to give us everything we needed and wanted & for
that I can’t thank him enough. I’m
forever grateful for the sacrifices he made for his children. So, this list goes out to a man
I was blessed to call my dad - just some reasons why I love my dad as much as I do.
Hard worker – I don’t know of a man that could
have done what he did as a young single parent.
His honesty. He will give it to you straight up –
he taught me that one
His heart. He wears it on his sleeve and as the saying
goes: like father like daughter ;)
His eyes. The way he looks at those he loves
with love in his eyes (my only wish is that I had his baby blues)
His patience. I mean, I’m his daughter – enough said.
He is strict. & while I used to strongly
disagree and fight him tooth and nail, I have come to appreciate his ways and how
it helped shape my life.
7. He is funny. Like really funny. He will make a
poker face smile from ear to ear. & he doesn’t try to - he just has such a great sense of humor.
The man can dance. You don’t have to ask him
twice to dance with you.
He can sing too. Doo Wop music runs through his blood.
He is really really good at sports - I did not
take after him. lol
He is a good storyteller. I look forward to the
day when he shares the same stories with his grandkids
He is grateful for what he has in his life.
He married a woman just as special as he - &
I couldn’t be more blessed to have both.
His chickensoup. Hands down the best.
He can have a good time just about anywhere he goes
He is not a fighter although he did serve our country
in Vietnam - The man is a gentle soul.
He is a looker and a dresser. Sharpest dressed
dad I know!
He loves to travel and I love to hear about
their trips together
He moved his family to a better area so we could
have a better life
Christmas morning with him is the best, he loves
to see us light up.
His hair is always in place – with a comb in his
back pocket ready to go!
His laugh. It’s contagious.
His hands – the hands I remember holding as a little
girl when I needed his support.
He is my father and he is perfect
I still can call him daddy
26. He sat through every dance recital & made up dance routine in the house and always made me feel like s shining star.
27. We love the same music. I can jam out with my dad like we are from the same era.
28. His height and weight. He has always been in tip top shape and taught me how to lift weights at a young age. The man can eat what he wants and doesnt gain a pound - I did not take after him with this one....
29. He is my dad
30. My #1 idol
With love forever, your little girl.
& As I wipe my tears from typing this list, I managed to compile a gift guide to help make your shopping trip a little easier.

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