Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I am just about to head on out to Palm Island, Miami for a girls trip and I'm checking off my to do list.
Our Villa, how beautiful is this view...... ahhhh heaven!
One major to do is to ensure I pack my gym clothes for the trip since we will be there until Monday afternoon. I always plan on working out in the early am before everyone gets up to start my day off right. Its nice to workout in the am and get your blood moving for the day. However, there are always obstacles one faces while travelling and trying to keep a workout program. So,  here are a few travel tips that work for me while trying to maintain my fitness regime on a vacation:
1. Loosen up your expectations: Don't set unrealistic expectations for any trip. Its pretty hard to keep up with your current workout regime while travelling with others that may or may not live the same lifestyle. If you plan on working out everyday, be happy if you are able to complete 50% of your workouts. Feel good that you are doing work, even a little counts but don't beat yourself up if you don't do 100%.
2. Research the area: Does your hotel have a gym? Is there a gym nearby with free day passes? Are there running or biking paths that are safe? Please remember, safety first!
3. What is available: Kayaking, surfing, Pilate's on the beach? Ask the hotel concierge what classes the hotel offers and activities you can try for a different kind of workout.
3.  Pack if you can: Anything light, jump ropes, Resistance bands, yoga mat etc.
4. Eating right: Bring zip lock bags or travel protein powders for your trip. Meal bars, teas, vitamins, almonds, oatmeal and anything else that will stay fresh and is easily packable. Always be prepared. Please enjoy yourself while on vacation, it doesn't mean you should reward yourself with all the bad foods but don't be hard on yourself when travelling. Make the right choices that feel good for you. Take in and taste the local fare, fruits and veggies your destination offers & most importantly RELAX. Its good for the mind and body.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Quick post on my afternoon snack. QUEST BAR in APPLE PIE.
Can you say Ah May Zing!

Here are the details:

I decided to split my bar into 4 equal bites, placed on a plate and microwaved the bar. They came out like an apple pie tasting cookie! OBSESSED!  Cant wait to try the chocolate ones once Lent is over!
They come in 12 different flavors, run to your GNC/Vitamin Shoppe and grab one.
Happy Snacking!



Tuesday Tips for a better you..... There is nothing on this list that is revolutionary - just the basics that help me live a full healthy life. Enjoy!
Eat more food that grows on trees and plants, add color to your plate.
Wake up in the morning and have a tall glass of fresh lemon water
Eat breakfast, a full beautiful plate of fresh food.
Eat more blueberries, fish, broccoli, kale and walnuts- less fast food.
Drink water, more water than what you already drink.
Food is fuel. Nourish your body today.
Brown carbs over white carbs.
Clear your space of clutter. Your work space, your living space & your car. Keep the energy moving for a better life.
Take a daily walk
Be Passionate & Dream Big
Go after your dream, its your life to live....
Exercise and work up a good sweat, it’s an instant mood booster.
Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. If you can’t find 10 minutes a day, you need to check your priorities. YOU ARE A PRIORITY.
Stop the gossip. Negative thoughts takes away from your energy. Keep it positive.
Learn to say no. Don’t take on more than you can.
Life is ever changing – learn to accept change and keep your mind open.
Be thankful & say thank you.
Keep your head held high. Always.
You won’t win every argument, Its ok to agree to disagree. & move on.
Forgive people. We are just human.
Purge negative people form your life and open it up to the ones that truly love you.
Do the right thing, always.
Pay your bills on time & Save Money!
Let go of the past and stop letting it hold you down from a happy you today.
Put your phone down and meet up with a friend.
Envy is a wasted emotion. Be thankful for all that you are and all that you have.
Clean yourself up and present yourself in your best way possible. Shine from within and let the outside match.
Don’t take life too seriously, laugh more and smile more than you do.
You want to be happy? Then be it.


Monday, February 25, 2013


Good Afternoon FITers! Just wanted to update you on my Lenten Progress. Lent began Feb 13th and lasts until March 30th, in that time (as an earlier post of mine explained) I decided on giving up 2 of my absolute favorite foods - CHOCOLATE AND NUTS (includes almond/sunflower and peanut butters). Normally, I would have one of each a day but.........
Since Lent began Ive stopped cold turkey. I had moments of cravings but as the days went on the cravings were less and less. Ive come to realize they (being nuts & chocolates) are like a slippery slope to me. Once Ive had either my body starts to crave everything unhealthy - food I don't normally eat. Since Lent began, I decided to cut out Meat and eat about 80% RAW foods and drink green juices as some meal replacements. Its been easy to live this way for the past 2 weeks because Ive eliminated my 2 vices.
However, Last night standing in Fairway looking at the aisle devoted to peanut butter, yes an aisle, I nearly gave in. I was tested.  I caught myself staring at these jars in amazement, quite posisbly drooling at the same time.
I stopped myself. I dont know how but I did. Its not just for health reasons but I made a promise. A promise to myself and a promise under the house of god. I instantly felt guilty for wanting to "just buy it" and give in. (Insert head held high) But I didnt. & walking away with a peanubutterless cart made me stronger. But Ill tell you this, the minute Lent ends I plan to get Chocolate Wasted & fall into a deep PeanutButter coma, you in?

Nothing feels better than fulfilling a commitment to yourself.
No matter how hard your goal is please don't give up. & when you want to give in - remember the reason why you held on for as long as you did and trust me - it will all be worth it.


Welcome to another start of the week! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend and found time to exercise and do something good for yourself. Remember, a happy you is the best you!

Anyway, I wanted to share a protein I’ve added to my diet (always please consult with your doctor prior to startgin a diet).I’ve recently eliminated all meat out of my diet and have gone about 80% raw with my food. I do this once every few months to clean and reboot my system. I eat raw foods and juices for a month before I get into my 5 DAY juice fast. This is to prepare my body so when I do only take in juices I don't shock my system and it lessens the side effects.

Since I am not taking in animal protein, Ive found this product– SPIRU-TIEN.  Whats great about this product is that it has a huge amout of nutrients and vitamins and actually tastes good alone. Ive found that the vanilla tastes the best for me when mixed with unsweetened almond milk and water (I also add in flax oil and ¼ of banana for substance and blended baby carrots for extra vitamins)

However, because this is plant based once you add liquid to the shake it will turn a tinge of slight green due to the sirulina (algae). THE BEST PART- after you consume your drink you will notice a boost of energy. Loaded with vitamins for natural energy!

My new obsession! Try it and let me know how you like it! 
Click on the link below for your  FREE SAMPLE