Thursday, December 13, 2012


To me, the holiday season is such a special time. A time of family, friends and celebrations with those you love. When people are kinder, words are loving and homes are filled with glowing candles and jolly holiday décor.

However, to some, this time of year can be overwhelming…. amongst the stresses, the bills and the to do’s & forgetting about taking care of themselves.

You need to remember to take care of yourself, mentally, physically & emotionally. “You time” is important! If you are not the best “you” how can you the best for others. Here are some tips on getting the Grinch out of you:

Stay Rested - Sleep in. Let your body wake up naturally on your day off and don’t get overwhelmed with your to do’s. You will get more done when your well rested and not pulling a “Grinch”. If you can’t sleep in later, take a cat nap. Before  my parties & gatherings, I allow 20 minutes for a cat nap. The nap distresses me and gets me ready mentally. Mental health is just as important as your overall physical health.

Dieting - Don’t feel guilty if you fall of the wagon in terms of your diet. You can always jump back on when you’re ready. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you have committed to eating healthy, let those around you know or bring your own food readily made to enjoy at your family/friends party. If you get any looks or comments, kindly tell them you setting yourself up for personal success and those that love you will be proud of you

For the spiritual & religious - Read an advent and/or attend mass this time of year. The music, the energy, the flowers are beyond beautiful and how can you leave not feeling uplifted. Try reading an inspirational quote that pertains to your situation and allow the words to inspire you and get you out of your funk.

Just say no -  If your too busy with work, children and gift wrapping its ok to decline a party invite. You cant be everywhere all the times.

Take it in! Try to enjoy the holidays. Schedule a baking day with your friends/family. Throw on some holiday music, light your decorations and buy a pine scented candle. Watch a  holiday movie! There are certain movies that bring out the holiday nostalgia and instantly transport me back to the simple years of my youth. What’s your favorite holiday memory? Relive it.

Remember to take time for yourself & yes you do have time for you. Make the time and enjoy your holiday. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
xxoo, FitnessFits

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Its that time again!

Tuesday Tababta training is my absolute favorite, it burns fat within minutes and gives me more time on Tuesday night to do other things like online holiday shopping, gift wrapping and phone gabbing!

Doing as little as one Tabata (about a 15 minute session) can increase your endurance, resting metabolic rate, and will help aide in fat loss more so than the traditional hour long workout.

No gym? No problem! Use a gallon of water as your weights. Make sure you work out at your max intensity for each move.

My Tabata routine below is quite simple. If your not familar with the exercise, Google the workout beforehand for instructions on how to perform each excercise

Remember, breathe through every exercise and stretch when completed.


30 Second Standing Squats (15 lbs weights)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Kettle Bell Swings (30 lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Standing Shoulder Press (12 lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second PushUps
20 Second Rest
30 Second Bicycles (abs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Floor Skullcrushers (15lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Glute Bridge (18lb Gym Bar)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Hammer Curls (12lbs)


USE APP - To get the most out of this workout I suggest downloading an interval timer on your smart phone. I use Seconds Pro and customize each timer for all my tabata workouts (pretty sure it cost aroun $1.99)


SCARY STATS for you…..TWO THIRDS OF ALL AMERICANS QUALIFY AS EITHER OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE. 35.9% of adults 20 years and older are obese!!!!

Check out more at FastStats…  

Study finds diet plus exercise is more effective for weight loss than either method alone

The results of a weight loss trial led by Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Prevention Center and a member of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division, were published online April 14 in Obesity.

At the end of the trial, the researchers found the following:

1. Women in the exercise-only group lost, on average, 2.4 percent of their starting weight.

2. Women in the diet-only group lost 8.5 percent of their starting weight.

The greatest weight loss was achieved by women who both changed their diet and exercised regularly; these women shed an average of 10.8 percent of their starting weight

Moral of the story ...... There is no magic pill. No special shake. Eat Clean and get moving!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Nothing like a Holiday Giveaway!


1. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO FITNESSFITS & Comment below to enter to win  the KATE SPADE items.
2. Tweet that you entered to win at the " GiveAway" & tag me!  (my twitter handle MarlenaFits)

A winner will be chosen at random and will be disclosed on Friday, Decemebr 21st right intime for the Holidays!  Please check back to see if you have won! Good Luck!
1. KATE SPADE IPAD CASE ($90 value) and Kate Spade Earrings ($58 value)


Ive dyed it. Permed it. Bleached it. Chopped it. Burnt it. Stripped it and literally killed it.... Then about 8 years ago, I added 5 lbs of recycled hair just to test how strong my hair really was. Taking my extensions out was no walk in the park. I had a really hard time removing them not because I was gonna miss the Kardashian-esq hair, but a fear of the unknown. What was under the 5 lbs of doll hair? Was there anything at all? 

I finally did it and it felt amazing. ahhhh my scalp was able to breathe and my posture was better. Ok, that's going a bit far but "hey, they did weigh alot!" My hair, well I wouldn't describe it as amazing. Far from it. 

So, I had to start a hair regime to bring back life to my sad lifeless hair. Ive compiled a list of Tried & Tested products that have worked and continue to work wonders. Even better, most are plant based. Hair you are ;)

  1. Cardiovascular Research Megabiotin 7,500 mcg $15.49 The name sounds more serious than it is. Ive been using this now for 2 months & Ive just started to notice a difference.  Taking care of your hair shouldn't just be applying products on the outside, nourish your body from the inside too. More Biotin please :)
  2. Phtyopolleine Universal Elixir $32 A FAVORITE of mine. This powerful smelling scalp treatment is massaged onto your scalp and left on to tingle for about 20 minutes twice a week. This is my absolute must treatment for my hair. If I had to pick one, this would be it. My blowouts have lasted longer since using this and an added bonus... softer and more manageable. Plant based & Eco friendly
  3. L'oreal EverPure Shampoo & Conditioner $6.99 each. Sulfate free shampoo & conditioner that does not dry out my hair and smells like a spa. Its the only drugstore sulfate free shamp/condish that I swear by. Oh and it 100% Vegan
  4. Phytocyane Revitalizing Serum for thinning hair $50. The product tells you to use an ampule a day. Ive found that its just too much product for my thin hair. I can go about 3 uses with one ampule and the results have been great, my hair is noticeably softer and voluminous. Plant based & Eco friendly
  5. DermoOrganic Firm Hold Volume Foam $15  Provides a sticky free root lift and holds up on long days at the office. Eco friendly! Aerosol and alcohol free 
Remember, it took time to damage your hair so any good you do won't  happen over night. Consistency is key. Happy Styling!