Friday, May 3, 2013


I recently heard a comment - While opportunities in life are great, the requirement that they present themselves is necessary in order for you to be successful. I completley disagree .....

I truly believe that luck is when opportunity and preparation meet. We can’t sit idle and hope for opportunities, should you want something go get it.

First, you have to believe in yourself. Your attitude, your vision and what you do with that dictates your success.

Its going to Challenge you, because this is not going to be easy. Be passionate and keep your eyes on the prize at all times. Times of self-doubt, stumbling from time to time, falling on your face … its all going to happen.

Keep a clear vision of what the dream is and what it takes to become successful. Discipline and sacrifice are two words you will need to familiarize yourself with. People and life will distract you and if you’re not focused you could be sidetracked.

Take risks. Healthy risks. Risks that you know you have wanted…..Keep your goal in sight at all times.

Opportunities in life occur when we aren’t deterred by a fall, when we are open to taking the route less taken and making the impossible possible. Keep at it, and in the end should you want it as bad as you started you will have it.

& trust me, the end result will be more than you could ever have imagined. You can appreciate everything it took to make “this” your reality and never taking it for granted. 

On that note, I hope you all have a beautiful weekend and take time to enjoy this spring weather. & may you take that step forward with belief in yourself that you will be successful in your endeavors... big or small.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013


a truly sweet video on such a beautiful family... 
A dear friend of mine sent me this video on her brother and his growing family...kinda got my head turning and inspired me to look into doing the same for all the special moments ahead this summer.
This video oozes the most beautiful and simplistic form of love in family - pure joy all around. I hope it puts a smile on your face and inspires you to film the sweet moments in your life.....(Click on the full screen for better viewing)

Thank you Wurtz Family for sharing.....

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


As a little girl growing up I can look back and remember the excitement of going to the salon or wearing a new dress.  I can remember wanting to look like certain beautiful women…If I could tally up the amount of time I’ve spent on beauty rituals, the total amount would be endless I’m sure. What can I say, I love being a woman. But the truth is, we as women jump to spend time on the outside, but what about the time we spend on our inner beauty?

I'm a huge believer in taking care of our bodies, to keep as healthy and fit as humanly possible. Fitness and health is important on so many levels..... But what is just as important is the time you spend on glowing from within.

We all have our own definition of inner beauty. I have been blessed to know some of the most beautiful women so Ive become aware of the certain qualities/traits that these women possess. Here are the top qualities that stand out when I think of them:

Compassion. Compassion to me is placing yourself in others shoes sand doing your absolute best to understand how they feel in the most loving way possible.

Self Respect. Respect is big big big in my book, but self respect I just as important. Once we respect the person we are, we will never accept anything less from another. To fully know your true potential, believing in yourself and not allowing another to do harm upon us.

Integrity. A woman who knows what she wants to protect, encourage and support who stands up for what she believes in regardless if she is the only one standing because it is the right thing for her to do. That is beauty. Building a reputation of integrity takes time, the scary thing is that it can only take a second to lose…..

Positivity. I love being around happy women, women who no matter what the situation can make the best of it. Who look on the brighter side and accept the negative but  not let it fester. Who radiate happiness....

Supportive. If you know something means a lot to another, you should try and support them in any way you can, be that voice that encourages them when they doubt themselves.

Honesty. No one likes a liar. To be honest and truthful and not being afraid of the consequences of telling the truth.....this is a beautiful thing. Honesty in life frees your heart of guilt. The most beautiful women I know have such an soft way of being honest.

Confidence. Nothing more beautiful than confidence, but be careful….don't slip into cockiness. Confident women can take on the world and are the most beautiful. A confident woman is able to stand a little taller and allow her inner light to glow in a room full of naysayers and insecurities…

Small qualities to add…. There are a few women in my life that being around just makes me happier – their inner beauty is almost contagious and when you leave their presence you feel good. Maybe its their soft yet strong voice or the eye contact they make. Maybe its the way  they speak to you and the way they truly listen when they ask “How are you doing”….

I could go on forever with the qualities that these women possess….. they inspire me to be better. To love more, stand up taller and let my inner light shine. & for that they are beautiful.

Are there certain women you know whose inner beauty comes to mind? Tell me, Id love to hear!

Monday, April 29, 2013

2 INGREDIENT cakes......

healthy cakes

If your not a fan of banana's (which is not humanly possible) try mashing a cooked sweet potato instead.  Or if your body requires more energy add in a scoop of dry quick oats.... Your options are endless..... MOOD MUSIC


My Everyday Lunch

Call me boring, mundane, unoriginal.... but don't knock it till you try it! This salad combination was introduced to me by a dear friend, with some minor tweaks this has become my absolute favorite. My daily essential......

 I crave this every day around 1145am.... My body knows & keeps me full till around 4pm.


She includes:

Mixed Greens
Red Onion
Chopped Walnuts
1/4 of Avocado
3 Egg Whites

Drizzle her with some OO & a sprinkle of Black Pepper..... Mix it up! Add fresh lemon juice to tart it up & voila....My absolute favorite salad. Simple, easy and oh so healthy!


Untitled #8

Over the weekend, FitnessFits had some minor transformations - a work in progress..... but will have an exciting and improved look soon!
But in the meantime, I'm excited to share with you  new page for my blog, I call it "Mar's Monthly Must Haves" and will include new and useful fit items to include in your monthly purchases.....Want a peek at one of the tranformations?  Click here for shortcut.


Picnic in the park

I seriously love me a good picnic - especially in Central Park! There's something about a decadent day splurge, a packed basket -o - fun and  playing in the sun :) 
 A game of Bocce ball, Frisbee, paddle ball will eventually work up an appetite. Instead of packing your basket with empty calories, fill it up with fresh produce and veggies from your local farmers market. & most importantly, enjoy .....