Saturday, December 29, 2012

2000 & 12

What a year 2012 turned out to be. Personally, 2012 was one of my favorite years thus far. I turned 30 (if your in your twenties....just wait till your thirties, they by far are the best yet). I set a personal goal of completing my Catholic Confirmation ( as a child I opted out and as I got older I realized what was missing from my heart) and I can truly say it has made such a  significant change on my outlook in life. Professionally, I continue to grow and just registered for classes at CUNY (finally). In love, I couldn't be happier with my man, best friend and #1 supporter (i love u Phil, to the moon and back). My Family & Friends could not have brought me more happiness with engagements & lil ones being born and our families continuing to grow in so many ways. I must say, the beautiful children that have been brought in this world by my friends and family has truly placed a permanent smile on my heart (Angelina, Henry Daniel, Scarlett, Parker & Ella - the most beautiful lil miracles) 

I'm thankful for all that I have today and curiously excited for what 2013 brings. 

I hope for you all in 2013, much love  happiness and success in all your endeavors. Keep focused, stay positive and do what makes your heart happy. 

with love

Friday, December 21, 2012


Good Morning Friday! Although its another wet and dreary day, yet again, I managed to wake up bright and early this morning knowing that I was off for my spin class at Soul Cycle. I threw on my Hunter boots and swam to class.

If you haven’t tried a class, then honey, you are missing out!  Its one of the most intense workouts both mentally and physically and yet at the end of each class I leave rejuvenated and ready for the world. Not joking, its the best high one can get. I took a class with Lindsay this morning, she rocked the "h -e - double hockey sticks" out of those 45 mins. If you are in the NYC area and want to try it out with me, email me and you will forever be changed.

After SoulCycle this morning, I headed back to my pad starving and ready to eat my left arm. I made the most amazing protein pancake mix last night and within 3 minutes I had a nutritious, filling and & most importantly delish breakfast. Sorry for the fuzziness of the pic - but here is what they looked like.

As you can see, I was starving and couldn’t wait to take a bite before the picture. I would have died if I waited, I just know it ;)

Chocolate Protein Pancakes

2 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 scoops of Chocolate Protein Powder
Pinch of salt
2 egg whites
2 cups almond milk
3 tablespoons of organic applesauce

Stir together dry ingredients. Add eggs, almond milk, and applesauce. Stir until dry ingredients are moistened (batter may be lumpy). Cook on preheated griddle until bubbles form and edges start to dry. Flip and cook until lightly browned. I like to serve with walnuts and sliced bananas, drizzled with organic honey or sugar free syrup.

*For extra goodness - Top with 1 scoop of almond butter (you can substitute with soy butter or natural peanut butter. If your watching your fat &calories I suggest using PB2)

& Enjoy!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


I just HAD to share this recipe you!

How delicious does this look! Ill be enjoying this tonite with a plate of my favorite dates, listening to holiday music with the room lit up by our beautiful tree & snuggling next to my boyfriend and our dog, Lola. Tis the season!

Here is a healthy eggless eggnog smoothie that is jam packed full of nutrients that will make your taste buds rock around the Christmas tree!

Eggnog Smoothie Goodness

1 cup sprouted organic almond milk
2 frozen organic bananas, peeled and halved
1 organic date, soaked for 10 minutes
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon organic vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt

1. Place sprouted organic almond milk, frozen organic banana halves, date, and spices into a Vitamix or High Speed Blender.
2. Blend until smooth and free of frozen banana chunks.
3. Pour into large smoothie glass, garnish with cinnamon, and drink immediately.

Serves one
Recipe came from: Alyson S

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Do what you love & Love what you do. Such simple words. Loving what you choose to do provides meaning and purpose which are then tied to your overall wellbeing and health. Loving what you do keeps you motivated when you need to push thru hard times. Loving what you do improves your self-esteem from simply the energy you then put into your work. It becomes contagious to those around you that let it in.

Do what you love and love what you do. I hope you find yours.
Love, Mar

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Its time for your Tabata! This one is for Francesca ;)

Doing as little as one Tabata (about a 10 minute session) can increase your endurance, resting metabolic rate, and will help aide in fat loss more so than the traditional hour long workout.

My Tabata routine below is quite simple. If your not familar with the exercise, Google the workout beforehand for instructions on how to perform each excercise. You can always feel free to email me directly with any questions at

Remember, breathe through every exercise and do your cat stretches when completed.


30 Second Toe Reach Ups
20 Second Rest
30 Second Reverse Ab Curls
20 Second Rest
30 Flutter Kicks
20 Second Rest
30 Second Frog Ins & Outs
20 Second Rest
30 Second Side Twists
20 Second Rest
30 Second Cross Body Mountain Climbers
20 Second Rest
30 Second Standing Side Imprints - right side
20 Second Rest
30 Second Standing Side Imrpints - left side

NOW PLANK.... for one minute. Stop & Repeat


USE APP - To get the most out of this workout I suggest downloading an interval timer on your smart phone. I use Seconds Pro and customize each timer for all my tabata workouts (pretty sure it cost aroun $1.99)

Monday, December 17, 2012

SUGAR AND SPICE & EVERYTHING NICE, thats what rods are made of...

I wanted to share a quick and easy holiday treat to make, Holiday Dipped Pretzel Sticks! These are great as gifts to give, just wrap them up in a beautiful mitten and tie with a bow Or fill up an old mason jar and keep them on your kitchen counter. I can promise you this, these will go quicker than you know! Whats great about these, you can pretty much dip them and top them with anything you please!

Melted Dark Chocolate with Crushed Walnuts

White Chocolate with crushed m&m mint candies (these lil guys smell amazing)

White Chocolate with crushed candy canes


Hope you enjoy making these as much as I have! Happy Holidays! 
Love, Mar


It has been such a rainy and cold past couple of days in NYC and I cant stop dreaming about snuggling up next to a warm fireplace.. Imagining the smell of the burning wood and the pops of the crackling fireplace. To have one in Manhattan is truly a luxury, sadly my humble abode did not come with one ...So for now, gazing at a few of my favorite images will have to do. Hope these images inspire you to get warm and toasty with your loved ones ...

I can imagine enjoying the quiet moments with my morning Hazelnut Brew ....

Great place for a girls night in! White Wine, Cheese and Figs!

Adorable idea for a non working fireplace, plus its safe for the kiddies :)

Now this has my name written all over it. Just me, a good book, a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon and a few bites of Green & Blacks Dark Chocolate. My kinda heaven.....


Whether you have been naughty or nice, these are some great gifts to add to your fit life.

With less than a week away from Christmas, here are some must have items to add to your holiday fit list. 

1. Nike Sneakers - Since my exercise routine involves a mix of cardio and weight training I have always been most comfortable in cross trainers. I get a new pair every six months....& its almost that time, ahem Santa! Plus, with the vibrant array of colors you can choose from, these bright sneaks will make the gloomiest day seem brighter at the gym. Plus++ they are on Sale!

2. Omega Juicer The Omega Juicer has been my internal and external medicine in so many ways. I encourage you to watch the documentary "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead"” and tell me your not inspired. I do a juice feast every 6 months (usually lasting about 3 days of pure vegetable juice). Some people call it a juice "fast", but to me  filling your body up with delicious juice all day is an absolute "feast" not "fast". Pricey, but worth it. Remember, good health is wealth.

3. Eco Friendly Cleaning Products – Ok, so your thinking, cleaning products as a gift? Well if your as nuts as I am and enjoy having clean home then you can understand. & haven't you ever heard.... Cleanliness is godliness (insert angels singing) Mrs Meyers cleaning products (personally love the lemon verbena line) work just as good as the toxic pollutants you may currently use in your home. Try it out and don't say I didn't warn you on your new healthy obsession.....

StellaMcCartney iPad Case - Need I say more. For the vegans out there....Faux leather, faux python, environmentally friendly and ridiculously adorable - faux realllll! Plus, its on sale!

5. Day At the Spa. Who wouldn't love to be pampered in a relaxed soothing environment. My favorite is a full body scrub and wrap. Not only do I leave fully relaxed but I also leave looking more toned and less bloated.

These gifts may just be the boost you need for a fitter, healthier and happier new you in the new year~ Cheers to you!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012


To me, the holiday season is such a special time. A time of family, friends and celebrations with those you love. When people are kinder, words are loving and homes are filled with glowing candles and jolly holiday décor.

However, to some, this time of year can be overwhelming…. amongst the stresses, the bills and the to do’s & forgetting about taking care of themselves.

You need to remember to take care of yourself, mentally, physically & emotionally. “You time” is important! If you are not the best “you” how can you the best for others. Here are some tips on getting the Grinch out of you:

Stay Rested - Sleep in. Let your body wake up naturally on your day off and don’t get overwhelmed with your to do’s. You will get more done when your well rested and not pulling a “Grinch”. If you can’t sleep in later, take a cat nap. Before  my parties & gatherings, I allow 20 minutes for a cat nap. The nap distresses me and gets me ready mentally. Mental health is just as important as your overall physical health.

Dieting - Don’t feel guilty if you fall of the wagon in terms of your diet. You can always jump back on when you’re ready. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you have committed to eating healthy, let those around you know or bring your own food readily made to enjoy at your family/friends party. If you get any looks or comments, kindly tell them you setting yourself up for personal success and those that love you will be proud of you

For the spiritual & religious - Read an advent and/or attend mass this time of year. The music, the energy, the flowers are beyond beautiful and how can you leave not feeling uplifted. Try reading an inspirational quote that pertains to your situation and allow the words to inspire you and get you out of your funk.

Just say no -  If your too busy with work, children and gift wrapping its ok to decline a party invite. You cant be everywhere all the times.

Take it in! Try to enjoy the holidays. Schedule a baking day with your friends/family. Throw on some holiday music, light your decorations and buy a pine scented candle. Watch a  holiday movie! There are certain movies that bring out the holiday nostalgia and instantly transport me back to the simple years of my youth. What’s your favorite holiday memory? Relive it.

Remember to take time for yourself & yes you do have time for you. Make the time and enjoy your holiday. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
xxoo, FitnessFits

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Its that time again!

Tuesday Tababta training is my absolute favorite, it burns fat within minutes and gives me more time on Tuesday night to do other things like online holiday shopping, gift wrapping and phone gabbing!

Doing as little as one Tabata (about a 15 minute session) can increase your endurance, resting metabolic rate, and will help aide in fat loss more so than the traditional hour long workout.

No gym? No problem! Use a gallon of water as your weights. Make sure you work out at your max intensity for each move.

My Tabata routine below is quite simple. If your not familar with the exercise, Google the workout beforehand for instructions on how to perform each excercise

Remember, breathe through every exercise and stretch when completed.


30 Second Standing Squats (15 lbs weights)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Kettle Bell Swings (30 lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Standing Shoulder Press (12 lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second PushUps
20 Second Rest
30 Second Bicycles (abs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Floor Skullcrushers (15lbs)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Glute Bridge (18lb Gym Bar)
20 Second Rest
30 Second Hammer Curls (12lbs)


USE APP - To get the most out of this workout I suggest downloading an interval timer on your smart phone. I use Seconds Pro and customize each timer for all my tabata workouts (pretty sure it cost aroun $1.99)


SCARY STATS for you…..TWO THIRDS OF ALL AMERICANS QUALIFY AS EITHER OVERWEIGHT OR OBESE. 35.9% of adults 20 years and older are obese!!!!

Check out more at FastStats…  

Study finds diet plus exercise is more effective for weight loss than either method alone

The results of a weight loss trial led by Anne McTiernan, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Prevention Center and a member of the Hutchinson Center's Public Health Sciences Division, were published online April 14 in Obesity.

At the end of the trial, the researchers found the following:

1. Women in the exercise-only group lost, on average, 2.4 percent of their starting weight.

2. Women in the diet-only group lost 8.5 percent of their starting weight.

The greatest weight loss was achieved by women who both changed their diet and exercised regularly; these women shed an average of 10.8 percent of their starting weight

Moral of the story ...... There is no magic pill. No special shake. Eat Clean and get moving!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Nothing like a Holiday Giveaway!


1. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO FITNESSFITS & Comment below to enter to win  the KATE SPADE items.
2. Tweet that you entered to win at the " GiveAway" & tag me!  (my twitter handle MarlenaFits)

A winner will be chosen at random and will be disclosed on Friday, Decemebr 21st right intime for the Holidays!  Please check back to see if you have won! Good Luck!
1. KATE SPADE IPAD CASE ($90 value) and Kate Spade Earrings ($58 value)


Ive dyed it. Permed it. Bleached it. Chopped it. Burnt it. Stripped it and literally killed it.... Then about 8 years ago, I added 5 lbs of recycled hair just to test how strong my hair really was. Taking my extensions out was no walk in the park. I had a really hard time removing them not because I was gonna miss the Kardashian-esq hair, but a fear of the unknown. What was under the 5 lbs of doll hair? Was there anything at all? 

I finally did it and it felt amazing. ahhhh my scalp was able to breathe and my posture was better. Ok, that's going a bit far but "hey, they did weigh alot!" My hair, well I wouldn't describe it as amazing. Far from it. 

So, I had to start a hair regime to bring back life to my sad lifeless hair. Ive compiled a list of Tried & Tested products that have worked and continue to work wonders. Even better, most are plant based. Hair you are ;)

  1. Cardiovascular Research Megabiotin 7,500 mcg $15.49 The name sounds more serious than it is. Ive been using this now for 2 months & Ive just started to notice a difference.  Taking care of your hair shouldn't just be applying products on the outside, nourish your body from the inside too. More Biotin please :)
  2. Phtyopolleine Universal Elixir $32 A FAVORITE of mine. This powerful smelling scalp treatment is massaged onto your scalp and left on to tingle for about 20 minutes twice a week. This is my absolute must treatment for my hair. If I had to pick one, this would be it. My blowouts have lasted longer since using this and an added bonus... softer and more manageable. Plant based & Eco friendly
  3. L'oreal EverPure Shampoo & Conditioner $6.99 each. Sulfate free shampoo & conditioner that does not dry out my hair and smells like a spa. Its the only drugstore sulfate free shamp/condish that I swear by. Oh and it 100% Vegan
  4. Phytocyane Revitalizing Serum for thinning hair $50. The product tells you to use an ampule a day. Ive found that its just too much product for my thin hair. I can go about 3 uses with one ampule and the results have been great, my hair is noticeably softer and voluminous. Plant based & Eco friendly
  5. DermoOrganic Firm Hold Volume Foam $15  Provides a sticky free root lift and holds up on long days at the office. Eco friendly! Aerosol and alcohol free 
Remember, it took time to damage your hair so any good you do won't  happen over night. Consistency is key. Happy Styling!

Friday, December 7, 2012


Don't worry, I'm not gonna start off with "Happy Friday", what I will say is "Good Morning, on this cold wet morning....." Most mornings for me start with my morning cup of YOGI SKIN DETOX TEA. It's a tea I was introduced to by an older asian woman at my local health food store, claims to give your skin a glow from within. I swore she looked no more than 40... she is 67 and looks flawless.  She swears by this and I figured its change from my usual green tea. I tried it, loved it and now hooked (along with others but I can get into that another time). Lately, I've been getting from people "Wow, your skin is glowing!" Now, I don't want to give all the credit to the tea, but I'm sure it helps. Cant a girl glow because she is happy? Well in any case, it tastes good and helps me wake up on cold mornings like this in NYC, provides me withe the calm moments before the chaos of the concrete jungle. 

Oh and one more very important piece I forgot to mention... Look really closely at the quote on my tea bag..... You may have to squint.Sorry for the fuzz of the pic its my morning according to my iPhone. The bag reads:


A fresh reminder for me to relax. & on that note Happy Friday :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012


HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE for the ecofriendly ALL UNDER $55

Here are a few of my favorite holiday gift suggestions for the loved ones in your life. Just because its organic and natural doesnt mean it cant be chic! Open your mind to healthier choices and choose the best for the ones you love.  Make the healthy choice :) Happy Shopping!

1. Archipelago Frosted Cedar $24.50
     for the hostess with the mostess

2. StellaMcCartney Baby Romper $54.00                                         
For the precious baby girl 

      3. Rocco William Pinot Noir $23.99 (on sale)
             for the coworker

4. Kiehls Creme de Corps Body Butter $38
    for your girlfriend(s)

5. SoulCycle Class $37 
    (includes shoe rental & water)
   for the fitness junkie

6. Luxury Organic Plush Dog Toys $10.99
    for the pooch 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Nothing makes me happier than a full wallet. Breaking the bank breaks my nerves! However, like most women, I'm a sucker for luxury makeup brands. The other problem is that I go through makeup much faster than one should. So, Ive been on a quest to find products that work just like the name brands I so love for half the price.

(Insert Angels singing)  I've found the holy grail of deals vs. steals.!

Dior SkinFlash Radiance Booster Pen $37.00
Not for the frugal by any means, but man oh man what a glow..... $37? eh, Ill pass

MEET THE DEAL & my new love affair
Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Highlighter  $7.99
Illuminates, conceals, brightens and doesn't break the bank!!! Same effect as Dior but for a fraction of the cost - at under $8 yes please!

Happy Bank Happy You! 


The holidays are my absolute favorite time of year. However, they can be torture for people that are trying to lose weight. I think most people's complaints are the extra LB’s that sneak up on them around The most hap -happiest season of all…. That aint so happy huh?

Here are a few things that have worked for me:

1.  Make a list and check it twice! Logging down your fitness and weight goals daily will keep you accountable. Its all about accountability
2.   Don’t go to a holiday party and eat like your headed to the electric chair! Prepare a small snack with protien and good carbs an hour before your party that way you won’t  feel bloated in your dress attire &  more importantly you wont devour the trays of goodies.

      Should you decide to eat a full meal at a party try my plate ration 60/30/10
     60% crudites/veggies
                                     30% Protein (chicken skewers/shrimp)
                         10% Grain (rice, pasta, potatoes etc.)
*Note - Being a pescatarian I tend to eat more veggies, so for those who eat meat I recommend more protein for example: 40% Veggie/40% Protein 20% grain

3.  Keep your drinks to a minimum! I know how hard this can be. But, the more you drink the more you will eat. Your judgment will be compromised and those cookies will be inhaled. Try drinking a water or seltzer in between each alcoholic beverage. Plus, the more water you drink the less sluggish you will feel the next morning as water does lesson the effects of a hangover.

Last but certainly not least…..     
4.   Don’t give into pressure! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “its just a bite”, sure that one bite won’t kill me but me NOT having that one bite won’t kill you. Just because you are offered homemade treats, doesn't mean you have to take it. Politely say "Those look delicious, but Ill pass on them". Thank you. Most likely, their feelings will not be hurt. Do what you need to do to set yourself up for your own personal success.

Keep it Fit!