Tuesday, April 30, 2013


As a little girl growing up I can look back and remember the excitement of going to the salon or wearing a new dress.  I can remember wanting to look like certain beautiful women…If I could tally up the amount of time I’ve spent on beauty rituals, the total amount would be endless I’m sure. What can I say, I love being a woman. But the truth is, we as women jump to spend time on the outside, but what about the time we spend on our inner beauty?

I'm a huge believer in taking care of our bodies, to keep as healthy and fit as humanly possible. Fitness and health is important on so many levels..... But what is just as important is the time you spend on glowing from within.

We all have our own definition of inner beauty. I have been blessed to know some of the most beautiful women so Ive become aware of the certain qualities/traits that these women possess. Here are the top qualities that stand out when I think of them:

Compassion. Compassion to me is placing yourself in others shoes sand doing your absolute best to understand how they feel in the most loving way possible.

Self Respect. Respect is big big big in my book, but self respect I just as important. Once we respect the person we are, we will never accept anything less from another. To fully know your true potential, believing in yourself and not allowing another to do harm upon us.

Integrity. A woman who knows what she wants to protect, encourage and support who stands up for what she believes in regardless if she is the only one standing because it is the right thing for her to do. That is beauty. Building a reputation of integrity takes time, the scary thing is that it can only take a second to lose…..

Positivity. I love being around happy women, women who no matter what the situation can make the best of it. Who look on the brighter side and accept the negative but  not let it fester. Who radiate happiness....

Supportive. If you know something means a lot to another, you should try and support them in any way you can, be that voice that encourages them when they doubt themselves.

Honesty. No one likes a liar. To be honest and truthful and not being afraid of the consequences of telling the truth.....this is a beautiful thing. Honesty in life frees your heart of guilt. The most beautiful women I know have such an soft way of being honest.

Confidence. Nothing more beautiful than confidence, but be careful….don't slip into cockiness. Confident women can take on the world and are the most beautiful. A confident woman is able to stand a little taller and allow her inner light to glow in a room full of naysayers and insecurities…

Small qualities to add…. There are a few women in my life that being around just makes me happier – their inner beauty is almost contagious and when you leave their presence you feel good. Maybe its their soft yet strong voice or the eye contact they make. Maybe its the way  they speak to you and the way they truly listen when they ask “How are you doing”….

I could go on forever with the qualities that these women possess….. they inspire me to be better. To love more, stand up taller and let my inner light shine. & for that they are beautiful.

Are there certain women you know whose inner beauty comes to mind? Tell me, Id love to hear!

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