Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Meems 2 Minute Smoothie 

A few months back I posted on my pre-made “zip lock breakfast smoothies”  & today I want to share my new recipe. Click here for previous smoothie post.

Meems "2 Minute Smoothie"

Ingredients per bag:

1.       Handful of Kale
2.       Handful of Spinach
3.       Scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder
4.       One scoop of quick dry oats
5.       Tablespoon of flax seeds
6.       Handful of blueberries
7.       2 Strawberries (per bag)
*With the amount of veggies/fruits I buy, I usually get about 12 – 14 bags made.

HOW TO: I add all the ingredients to a freezer friendly ziplock bag and in the morning I take it out, dump the frozen ingredients into my blender, add some unsweetened almond milk and water. Voila! A frozen smoothie for breakfast under 2 minutes ( I kid you not)

TIP: If you have some avocado, I suggest adding a tablespoon to the blender for some added health and taste benefits. & Adding avocado to your morning meal puts to bay your mid day cravings for fatty food. For women that are pmsing and want to eat everything in sight, try eating a half an avocado in the morning during those terrible times and watch how your cravings slowly diminish. Its due to the “HEALTHY” fat the avocado provides to your body. Trust me on this one, it works! Cravings are gone!

Here are some advantages to pre-making and freezing your smoothie ingredients:
  1. Saves you money! Think about the $$$ you have spent on a fresh smoothies. Think about the money you save creating your own. Here in the city, they run about $6 – $9 each. Times 12 smoothies. You do the math. 
  2. Time Management. If you are a busy bee, this cuts down on breakfast time. It’s a quick 2 minute process for a super healthy breakfast.  Which allows you to spend time on other morning priorities and routines.
  3.  You don’t have to think. How many times have you found yourself stumbling to the kitchen in the morning looking for a breakfast and wind up hastily choosing something far too decadent to be considered breakfast?  Having these pre made shakes takes the thought out of your weekday meal.
  4. Start the day off right! Your body is provded the right fuel, you get in alot of nutrients, it helps aide in fat loss and your skin will glow. Who doesn't want that?!
  5. You know what is inside! NO added preservatives or sugar. Its a win win situation.
 I hope this inspires you to create a better breakfast option for yourself. You save money and time while giving your body a slew of healthy vitamins and minerals. Your waist line and energy level will thank you.

What do you like to add to your healthy smoothies?


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