Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Its official!!!!! Exactly 36 days until I’m in sunny Miami for one of my best friends, Michelle's  Bachlorette Party! I wanted to share with you for selfish reasons my lifestyle haul so I can feel like Im being more accountable by annoucing the changes ;)

I’ve gotten way too lazy the past few weeks after vacation and knowing the exact number of days until I’m lounging in my bikini is exactly what I need to get my butt in gear! I’m ready to attack my plan with full force! Thankfully, I manage to keep a pretty healthy lifestyle throughout the year so I don’t have to crash diet. I’m NOT A FAN of crash diets for many reasons. I heard this once and it will always stay with me.“ It took time to gain that weight, it’s not going to fall off overnight”. Change your lifestyle to see changes. Changes that happen from a Crash diet will lead you right back into the place you were pre Crash Diet. Crash Diet? Really? Doesn't sound good, does it.

Here are the following tweaks to my every day routine that may seem small to some but for me is just what I need for changes to occur:

1. Drink More Water! Water?, yes water. I kid you not, the more water I drink the better I look. I will not leave my office until I finish my pitcher of water. Not only does the water keep me full, it hydrates my skin, nourishes my insides and removes toxins that are just sitting in my body. Try half a pitcher a day before you jump into a whole gallon.

2. Schedule my workouts! I’m a gym freak, those who know me can agree. Heck, I own it & I’ll say it proud – I LOVE WORKING OUT! However, life happens and I get busy. Going forward, I will treat my workouts like scheduled meetings. I’m not going to miss them, and I’m going to show up fully prepared. Starting early am, Alarm clock has been set to 545am Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for my morning cardio. I already have a great workout sessions during the evening and weekends, however I need to add some more heart pounding cardio and the morning is the easiest for me to get that done. Nothing like arriving to work fully prepared both mentally and physically for the day. An added bonus – your metabolism gets kicked into high gear for the rest of the day from your morning burn and your brain is more alert. Happy Day to me & Happy Day to you!

3. More Save & Less Crave! I’ll show you exactly what I mean…..

MY CRAVE                                                  MY SAVE:                             
  Potato Chips                      Sweet Potatoes Baked with a dash of Lo So salt

French Fries                           Homeade Baked Sweet Potatoes Fries

                   Spicy Mayo                           Plain Greek Yogurt mixed with Srirahca Sauce

Chocolate Brownie                        Chocolate Protein Mug Cake
                                                                             (recipe to follow in another post)
 Mid Day Snack - Water and if that glass doesn’t cure my hunger pains Ill add powdered protein, a gala apple or bunch of almonds

Late Night Munchies  - Egg Whites

Morning Comfort Food - Protein Pancakes with a dollop of almond butter
(for recipe please scroll through my older posts)
4. BACK TO PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE! &I mean business when I say that. I use Sunday’s as my day to prepare my food for the week. I’ll make breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week and not only does it save my body loads of calories it saves my wallet as well. People ask me all the time if I get bored of the same meals. I tell them this. Your body craves what you eat, the more junk you eat the more junk you crave. Ask any fitness person what they crave, most are going to say chicken and rice or oatmeal. Odd I know, but now that I crave the good it’s easier to say no to the treats in the office.

TIP – When your body is craving "the not so healthy food choices" (girls), start your day with avocado on whole wheat toast . The healthy fat will keep you full and curb the cravings of bad food for the remainder of your day.

 Fail to prepare, and prepare to fail." - Jim Harbaugh

5. Cheat Meal NOT CHEAT DAY! Once a week I indulge, it went from one meal a week to one day a week. Ugh.  There is really no reason to eat crap for a 24 period. Why? Because I then feel like crap for days following…. So, when I cheat it will be just one meal and 90% of my cheats will be a breakfast meal (being that breakfast is my absolute favorite). One meal a week that hits the spot and Ill walk it off :)

So there you have it. For the next 36 days I will be following these minor tweaks in order to feel more confident and happy with myself. I'm hoping maybe you can take some of my tips and apply them to your life.

Let me know what tips work for you! Happy Lifestyle Changes to you!


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