Tuesday, February 18, 2014

TRIMMED DOWN & recreating....

I received a lovely and very sweet email from a reader asking for me to explain how I create my own “soul cycle, coffee and shopping” experiences from my previous “Trimming Down” Post. Before I get to that, I encourage you to read the post, yes it is lengthy but it is an honest and open post on financial spending that many people turn a blind eye to. Click here for post

I explain in my post just because you are cutting out certain spenditures out of your life it doesn't mean you are cutting off activities you enjoy. Find the unnecessary splurges and remove them. If on occasion you decide to do them you will see how much you actually enjoy them by savoring moments and making them special.  Click here for post

Today I will tackle 1 of the 3 non-essential splurges I've cut out and how I recreate  the experience for virtually no cost.

Soulcycle. Paying $40 a class when I already belong to a gym was simply ludacris. So, I created my own experience at no extra cost.  Here is how I do it:

My gym has an area in the back where there are stationary bikes set up out of the chaos of the rest of the gym. I set up my towel and set the bike timer to 40 mins. Before I even step foot in the gym I create a playlist of music on my IPhone. I use SPOTIFY for my playlist. Spotify allows you create a playlist for free. Its all about the music. 

You want to find music that starts slow, has motivating lyrics and good beats. Have your playlist build up to a faster and harder beat and then eventually cool down with a slower rhythm. Bring a water bottle with you and promise yourself to not get off the bike until the last note of the last song plays. Every time you want to give up you tell yourself “You can do it”. “You got this”. “ You are healthy and alive and are capable of completing this ride”. Whatever personal mantra makes you feel powerful. If this were soul cycle, would you get off your bike mid-ride and quit?

*Its important to choose songs that motivate you and help to push you through your workout.


Warm up Pedal - Cheers to the Weekend by Rhiana  (4 mins)
Focus on each pedal to the beat -  Titanium – David Guetta   (4 mins)
Stand up and tighten wheel like you are climbing a mountain - My Time by Fabolous(3.5 Mins)
Fast Pace Pedal - Werk B*&^ Britney Spears  (4 mins)
Alternate by slow and fast – Absolutely Not byDeborah Cox (10 mins) 
Slow it down a bit - Sun in my eyes by Myomi   (6mins)
Pedal as hard and fast as you can - Freak em Dress by Beyonce  (3 mins)
Cool Down - Paradise by ColdPlay (4 mins)

Once your own personal cycle session is complete, stretch. Raise your arms over your head for a stretch breathe in and breathe out slowly. & tell yourself “ I did it”

LAST BUT NOT LEAST.  Go home and move $40 into your savings. You deserve that workout and extra money saved. Every time you finish your personal cycle session I want you to add money to your savings and feel great watching your savings account grow and your middle go down. Congrats on taking one step to a healthier bank account and healthier you.

I hope this post inspires you to recreate experiences for yourself with out having to spend money. & a big Thank You to Melissa ;)

What songs motivate you through a tough workout?


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