Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Merci! Gracias! Thank You! Grazie! Shukran! Danke! Spasibo! Arigato!

Writing a "Thank You" card is a warm way to show your gratitude. The "Thank You " note is a reflection of your character, heart and style. To me, a handwritten note is a special way to show your thanks,  if you have ever received one you know how much you appreciate the gesture. Here are some tips on "Thank you" cards that will surely make the receiver smile.

Merci Tip Un: Send your card as soon as possible, within a week if doable (unless its for a large group of people). There are a million reasons to send a note, just make sure you send it in a timely manner.

Merci Tip Deux: Personalize it! When handwriting your note, be sure to convey your gratitude specifically. Be personal and heartfelt. Example, when writing a note for a gift you recieved, you might want to make mention how useful the gift is or how you will think of the gifter everytime you see it. For a dinner party, mention how much you liked a paticular dish they made or a conversation you enjoyed at the party.

Merci Tip Trois: If you don't have note cards, purchase stationary that suits your style. If you really want to make your card special, purchase a stamp maker with your initials and special pen just for writing cards. Here are some classic and chic styled cards you should keep handy for your Thank you's! (My personal favorite papermaker is Crane & Company - Click here )

Spread the love!

Gratitude is the memory of the heart.  ~Jean Baptiste Massieu, translated from French

{Add a gold imprinted picture at your local paper store - adds a touch of pizazz}

{A clean simple design works for all }
{Personalize your cards with your name}

{Gold Envelope Seals - adds a finishing touch}

                    {Love the idea of an international "Thank You"}

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