Thursday, January 17, 2013


January Blues are here.

Well, the days have been dark and gloomy here in Manhattan -  The sun has been on some kind of sabbatical and all around me people are in a blah mood. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “I don’t know what it is, I’m just in a lousy mood” my bank account would rival those like Oprah. 

So…What does one do when they have the January blues?

Here are some surefire tips that have worked for me. Try them, hey doesn't hurt to try right :)
  • Get Moving! Just get up and do it.. You can’t tell me that in the 24 hours of your day you cant find at least 30 minutes for yourself? Throw on your walking shoes and get outside. Walk through the park, walk during lunch or walk to the gym if possible. Call a friend and catch up over a brisk walk. If you are social networking junkie, & you have to check your sites every few minutes because if you don’t you know you will just die....Then, by all means, do it thru your phone (but I beg of you, please watch where you are going) and walk! When you get back home, you will have a nice healthy glow and your body will thank you for moving

  • Kitchen Time! For me, trying a new recipe is always fun. Regardless if it turns out ehhh not so good, it’s the unknown that excites me. Recreate your mom’s chicken soup, make your dads chili.  I personally love throwing on some classic music from the 90’s and belting out tunes as I cook. My neighbors just love me. When your done with your dish, share it. Nothing nicer than receiving a homemade treat from the heart. Personalize it with a recipe card, tie it with twine add a note and tell me what mood you’re in now…

  • Reach out! Call that family member, old college friend, old flame… whoever it is that the that sits in the back of your mind. Reminisce, laugh and tell old stories. Its good for the soul. Dial away!

  • Organize! Yes I know.. If you’ve read a few of my posts you know that I'm a cleaning freak. So you know where I’m going with this one. Think of that one project that you keep putting off! Jam out to some tunes and get into it! Trust me on this one. You will feel SO GOOD once its done. Ahhhh…. Instant mood booster.

  • Hey you, cranky pants. Yes you! Go to bed! Maybe you just need to catch up on some zzzzzz’s. Nothing wrong with calling it a night at 7pm. Close your curtains, silence your phone and get ready for a deep slumber. Wake up feeling less cranky, more energized and ready to tackle the day.

Let me know what you do to boost your blues. Go out and try to have a beautiful day!

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