Tuesday, March 11, 2014


So far during my "no spend" Lent promise, things have been going better than expected. 

There are certain items I budget per paycheck that may not be an essential to most, but to a working woman like me they are. For example, my weekly manicure. There is a certain need to always look polished when dealing with executives in NYC and my weekly mani’s keep me just so.  A $13 weekly manicure is part of my budget every paycheck and it’s something I rarely blink an eye to. However, with my "no spend" Lent promise, I've had an urge to take it a step further.

& This is how…I've chosen to eliminate my weekly mani’s and change it to every other week, and the week they aren't professionally done I will do so. Thankfully I have the supplies to do my own,  sure they aren't as perfect as when Vicky does them (my nail guru) but a file here  a cuticle cut there and topped with a sheer coat of  “It’s a Girl” by Opi, it all looks fine. A simple way to save more money.

At the end of the month I’ll save an additional $26 and put that money into my “emergency fund”. OK, it is not ground breaking but if you make small changes here and there, they eventually will all add up. Note, I haven’t taken a ($25) cab twice a week from school or ordered take out dinner ($50) on the weekend which are other ways I have been saving money… so yes, it HAS been adding up.

Think about it. What small changes can you make to save more money? 


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